Mr. Goose's Residence Quiz


Mr. Goose will help to suggest residences that match you according to your preferences below.

Which Faculty Are You Planning to Attend:
Select Your Preferred Meal Plan:
Select Your Preferred Room Style:
If You Chose Suite, Select Your Preferred Room Type:
Select Your Preferred Room Type:
If You Chose Double Room, Select Your Preferred Room Type:
Select Your Preferred Floor Type:

Features and Amenities(Skip if not necessary):

On-Site Eatery or Grocery Shuttle:
Air Conditioning:
On-Site Fitness Room:
On-Site Music/Multi-Faith Room:

Click the button for Mr. Goose to suggest you a residence.


Please refer to Waterloo's Compare Residences page to review the suggestions calculated by Mr. Goose. The Residence Rankings calculated on this website are only based on the recorded responses. It does not take into account the importance of certain preferences. Thus, please review Waterloo's webpage as well for the most up-to-date and complete information regarding your First-Year residence choices before coming to a conclusion. Thank you for visiting!