Waterloo Engineering Program Groups

Group 1: Biomedical and Software

Group 2: Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronics, and Systems Design

Group 3: Architectural, Chemical, Civil, Environmental, Geological, Management, and Nanotechnology

What is your engineering program group number? (1-3)

What is your admission average? (0-100)

Your admission average is based on our required courses and your top mark in a 6th, grade 12 course. Admission averages are calculated based on the marks are available at the time of review, and may include Grade 11 subjects if more recent marks are not yet available.

What is your high school adjustment factor?

Waterloo Engineering does apply an adjustment factor based on historical performance from a given school (first-year university averages minus final high school averages) over the past 6+ years. This enables us to select applicants with the highest likelihood of success. (Range: 9.9 - 27.1; Average is 16.1) Adjustment Factor Spreadsheet

Additional Required Admission Information

There are various factors outside of your Grade 12 Admissions Average that can impact your chances of acceptance in Waterloo Engineering. This section will aim to acknowledge these differences in one's application through considering one's AIF, video interview score, as well as their work experiences and shadow day participation. More factors to consider will be added in the future.


Have you worked any internships in your respective field? If so, how many? Leave blank otherwise.

Shadow Day

Did you attend a shadow day for Engineering at the University of Waterloo?

Click the "Calculate" button to predict your chances of admission.


Admission Graph

*The predicted chances of admission are derived from William Bishop's graph for Canadians and permanent residents applying from the Ontario Secondary School system for Fall 2020. Source

Disclaimer: This site is simply an admissions simulator and should not be taken seriously! The data used is out of date due to lack of updates from Waterloo. For example, the adjustment factors are updated each year and the only list available is 2 years out of date. The blog about AIF scores is six years old and does not reflect how AIFs are currently scored. It is also not possible for applicants to give themselves a score on the interview without knowing how interviews are scored. The calculations here are as accurate as the story of a Canadian Goose learning to program in Javascript to bring you this website. Use this site at your own discretion. You have been warned!